Monday, May 12, 2008

Blood, Sweat, and Tears...

Well almost anyway. The blood and sweat for sure; the tears I managed to hold back. We did get the shed built this weekend though. For those that don't know, my weekends are Sunday and Monday. I still have some finishing touches to add, but we are moving stuff into it already. I am working on some shelving using the wood from the forms and some left over 2x4s from the fence we did last summer. Some might call this "cheap" I prefer waste not, want not. I'll add pictures of the shelving on Tuesday provided I finish them by then.

My thoughts on the shed

To sum things up: not very good. The sheet metal is extremely thin, and the whole thing relies on the triangulation of all this thin sheet metal. After finishing it up, however, I will say it is somewhat stronger than I would have imagined. I know, and some reading this do as well, these sheds will collapse under the weight of a good snow storm. I am betting I will not have to worry about that here in San Diego.
Rhonda and I agree, we are glad we did the cement rather than a raised wood floor. I think it fits our yard better, and it was flat enough that we didn't have to bring in a ton of fill dirt.

Okay enough chit-chat lets see some pictures already!

The security on these things is even less overwhelming than the building integrity so I installed one of these:

(Notice the tape-measure. He moonlights as a handyman. Hey, they say German Shepherd Dogs make great helper dogs.)

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